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Down the road

Una mariposa y una flor

27 November 2022

“Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence…”
– The Sound of Silence

Golden thought

Silence speaks

6 April 2022

The Laughing Heart

Your life is your life
Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
Be on the watch.
There are ways out.
There is a light somewhere.
It may not be much light but
It beats the darkness.
Be on the watch.
The gods will offer you chances.
Know them.
Take them.
You can’t beat death but
You can beat death in life, sometimes.
And the more often you learn to do it,
The more light there will be.
Your life is your life.
Know it while you have it.
You are marvelous
The gods wait to delight
In you.

Charles Bukowski


Tears in heaven

17 January 2022

Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

Golden thought

I can read your mind

18 August 2021

Your words brought me headache, while your heart in silence told me the truth.

“Won’t you give me what I need
This sweet deceit is mine to keep
So don’t spoil a perfectly good story
By telling it ain’t true…

I choose to believe those pretty lies
And I won’t blame you for making me feel good for a while
I know it won’t last baby
It’s like almost you got me…”

  • Liar by Killer

