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Golden thought


14 September 2021

“There’s a bluebird in my heart
That wants to get out but I’m too clever
I only let him out at night sometimes
When everybody sleeps

I say: “I know that you’re there
Don’t be so sad, ” that’s what I said
Then I put him back but he’s always singing
I don’t let him die and we sleep together
Like that with our secret pact…”
– Bluebird by Charles Bukowski

Golden thought


15 August 2021

“The secret, Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It’s then, only then, that you’ll find Wonderland”

  • Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Getting lost in Spanish Wonderland…

Keep the secret

2 July 2021

In the maze of human affairs…Stop and look at the ceiling.

“In questa notte segreta
Lo so che il tempo non passa
Io vorrei dirti qualcosa
Con questa voce un po’ bassa
Cullando nel tuo dolore
Tu resti immobile a letto
Ci sono troppi pensieri
Guardando fisso il soffitto
Quell’orologio non va
Il tempo non passa mai, mai
Mi chiedi cos’hai mai fatto
Per sopportare i tuoi guai
Ma queste notti segrete
Fanno ormai parte del gioco
Tu cerchi una via d’uscita
Da questa notte infinita
Ma siamo in mille stanotte
Fermi a guardare il soffitto
In questo tempo di sabbia
Ti sto vicino e sto zitto
Mentre ti volti e ti giri
E ti tormenti le mani
Si assopiranno i pensieri
Ci rivedremo domani
Di queste notti private
Nessuno mai saprà niente
Non vuoi vedere più gente
Ci sono troppe risate
Adesso dormi, con calma
Il sole torna al mattino
Comunque, sappi
Stanotte ti sono stato vicino”
Title: Notte segreta (Ispirato alla Sonata No. 14 , Op. 27 No. 2 “Al chiaro di luna” di Ludwig van Beethoven)
Artist: Pino D’Angiò
Album: Dagli italiani a Beethoven
Date: 2016

Secret of Love

10 January 2021

“Palabras nunca dichas
que oyen los que aman;
miradas escondidas
los que aman las ven.

Yo puedo ser sincero
no hablando de amores;
es sólo cuando quiero
que no sé pensar.
Extraño sentimiento
se ahoga en mi pecho,
no sé lo que siento
que no puedo hablar…”

Title: Secreto de Amor
Orchestra: Francisco Canaro
Singer: Roberto Maida
Date: 1936
Style: Vals
Power song

Follow your music

16 September 2020

“Dear Veronica, my dear children,
Every life is a wonderful story worthy of being told. Every life is a work of art, and if it does not seem so, perhaps it is only necessary to illuminate the room that contains it.
The secret is never to lose faith, to have confidence in God’s plan for us, revealed in the signs with which He shows us the way.
If you learn to listen, you will find that each life speaks to us of love. Because love is the key to everything, the engine of the world. Love is the secret energy behind every note I sing.
And never forget that there’s no such thing as happenstance. That’s an illusion lawless and arrogant men invented so that they could sacrifice the truth of our world to the laws of reason”
– Andrea Bocelli (2017 biopic: The Music of Silence)

Title: Vivo Per Lei
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Album: Romanza
Date: 1997