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Tango with a grain of salt

28 February 2021

” You had your eyes on me
I had lightning in my eyes
Through the door unintentionally opened
Tango ran along the street

Spinned on the dance floor
This not so intimate tango
You don’t have to touch me at all
To dance until dawn

Let’s keep on dancing
Dancing until we lose our breath
But better at two world’s ends
You there, me here”

Title: Ty tu ja tam tango
Artist: Monika Borzym
Album: Ty tu ja tam tango
Date: 2021
Kizomba/Ghetto zouk/Tarraxa/Douceur


7 February 2021

How often do you listen to the rhythm of your heart?
Just breathe, connect and let the music guide you.

Title: Ritmo Del Corazón
Artist: HeartBeats Pro
Album: Ritmo Del Corazón
Date: 2018

La Milonga de Mis Tiempos…Muy revueltos

23 January 2021

Dear Universe just let the music play!

Title: La Milonga de Mis Tiempos
Orchestra: Hyperion Ensemble
Album: Tango Epoca de Oro
Date: 2012
Style: Milonga
Golden thought Guitar

Dream a little dream

23 January 2021

Dreams don’t have expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.

Title: Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Artist: Isabel Martínez
Album: Noche Andaluza
Date: 2019
Instrumental Power song

Bezszelestność we mgle…

21 November 2020
“… As the music dies
Something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all its sad goodbyes… “
Title: Rain, in Your Black Eyes
Artist: Ezio Bosso
Album: …and the Things That Remain
Date: 2016