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Down the road Golden thought


10 May 2022

Somebody told me that happy people live on a suitcase, well… I’m not sure about that. Everybody has their own ways to find moments of happiness. But what I know for sure in my case is that once in a while I do need to leave everything behind, pack whatever seems to me I will need and just get lost to find myself once again…jump into unknown, discover new places, new flavours, experiences, including getting bored and doing nothing (not as easy as it seems) …
and out of the sudden, unexpectedly I do appreciate more what I have and what I’ve left behind.

Yes, I admit that over a past few years I got so used to travel alone and being on my own that I guess it’s much easier for me to just go instead of compromise myself to keep somebody’s company…. . Although I still have people and places that I do enjoy to come back to and looking forward to meet/visit once again:) so please if you ever felt dissapointed by me leaving without proper farewell, be understanding as there is huge chance that sooner or later I’ll be back.

This is how I am now. Still on the road, learning how to let go, trust life and enjoy the moment. Searching for my own way and speaking my own truth. Chasing my dreams and sharing warmth embrace.

With love, peace and good vibes to whoever was patient enough to read till the end. Thank you for crossing my path and I’ll see you down the road…

It’s my life!
Golden thought Power song Travel

Stand up

18 December 2021

“In every human life
The journey in between the journeys
Most of the time is the most essential
You know that feeling after mountain climbing,
We’ve been having a long trip…
We sit somewhere for a moment to just enjoy the trip
Sometimes trip have been difficult
Then we just stop for a moment
We look at the each other or look at the nature if we are there alone…
Just kind of wow… what brought me here? what a trip is about?

And there is a time to go inward
And there is a time to open the eyes
Opening the eyes doesn’t mean we need to forget what is in there
That’s always there
It’s just that this little boy a that little girl at some point of life
After licking countless scars
After sewing every wound
Stands up and live the life fully

For somebody it will be, I don’t know, to build a house,
For somebody to go on a world trip
For somebody to create a revolution
Countless things
Because when that calling comes
That life’s calling of every human being, if not to put it aside, if not to push it away
That’s what we are here to live
LIVE FULLY” – Estas Tonne

Title: Revival
Artist: Estas Tonne
Date: 2021
Golden thought

Getting ready

31 May 2021

Always with the wind of change in my hair…


“With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind… “

May Tango Festival, Zabrze 2021

A moment of forgetfulness

25 March 2021

If only my moments could last forever… but they don’t, so today for the last penny I will buy at least a shadow of those days…and this is exactly how my bittersweet coffee tastes like…

“Nie gniewaj się
To była chwila zapomnienia
Ty chyba wiesz
To przecież mogło zdarzyć się Tobie też

Proszę, nie wspominaj tej chwili
I będziemy znów żyli
Jakby nie zaszło nic
Nie gniewaj się
I zajrzyj w własne swe wspomnienia
Ty przecież wiesz
Czy to nie zaszło chociaż raz z Tobą też”
Title: Nie gniewaj się
Artist: Albert Harris
Album: Gdy radio w pokoiku gra
Date: 1938
Style: Tango