“In every human life
The journey in between the journeys
Most of the time is the most essential
You know that feeling after mountain climbing,
We’ve been having a long trip…
We sit somewhere for a moment to just enjoy the trip
Sometimes trip have been difficult
Then we just stop for a moment
We look at the each other or look at the nature if we are there alone…
Just kind of wow… what brought me here? what a trip is about?
And there is a time to go inward
And there is a time to open the eyes
Opening the eyes doesn’t mean we need to forget what is in there
That’s always there
It’s just that this little boy a that little girl at some point of life
After licking countless scars
After sewing every wound
Stands up and live the life fully
For somebody it will be, I don’t know, to build a house,
For somebody to go on a world trip
For somebody to create a revolution
Countless things
Because when that calling comes
That life’s calling of every human being, if not to put it aside, if not to push it away
That’s what we are here to live
LIVE FULLY” – Estas Tonne