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head up

Golden thought


10 June 2022

Te extraño pero es mejor así…


“Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy…
Dream a dream
And what you see will be…

Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon a rainbow
Is the answer to a never ending story…”

Dedicated to all dreamers, who are so busy chasing their dreams, that they don’t realize that they already live their dreamlife every day just like I do…and even if sometimes colors seem to fade away it’s also a part of never endig story. Head up!

Title: Never Ending Story
Artist: Limahl
Album: The Never Ending Story
Date: 1984
Golden thought

Head up

10 August 2021

“Si alguna vez bajas la mirada,
que sea para admirar tus fabulosos tacones.”

I kind of miss my red tango shoes, that I had to left behind…
Golden thought

Head up

24 February 2021

🇬🇧 “Never has a night conquered dawn and never a problem has conquered hope”
🇵🇱 “Nigdy noc nie zwyciężyła świtu, i nigdy problem nie zwyciężył nadziei”