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Down the road Instrumental

Volando por las calles…

31 August 2021

“Saca del cajón las alas que tuviste que guardar mientras cuidabas el vuelo de alguien más. Es momento de volver a usarlas.”

Internationally acclaimed Pianist, Composer, and Producer William Joseph’s amazing personal take on Metallica’s legendary ballad of love and pain.
Instrumental Power song

Feels the rain

30 April 2021

Best song of my life, so far.

“And the road travels on
But I’m still near you
In my life, like a song
I will still hear you…”

Nothing Else Matters – Metallica – William Joseph feels the Rain, 2016

Internationally acclaimed Pianist, Composer, and Producer William Joseph’s amazing personal take on Metallica’s legendary ballad of love and pain.