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Power song


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Power song

Lost at the bridge of love?

5 December 2020

…well it looks more like a prison to me…

“Give the ones you love wings to fly,
roots to come back and reasons to stay”
– Dalai Lama

Title: Lost On You
Artist: LP
Album: Lost On You
Date: 2016
Kizomba/Ghetto zouk/Tarraxa/Douceur Power song

Kizombera deep inside…

2 December 2020

Surprisingly Spotify has already sumed up 2020 for me and said: “Your number 1 – This piece helped you overcome all adversities”

Title: Lá No Fundo
Artist: Yola Semedo
Singiel: Lá No Fundo
Date: 2017
Power song

The Winner Takes It All

21 November 2020

“I don’t wanna talk
About the things we’ve gone through
Though it’s hurting me
Now it’s history
I’ve played all my cards
And that’s what you’ve done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play

I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I’d be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules
The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
The winner takes it all
he loser has to fall
It’s simple and it’s plain
Why should I complain?…”

Title: The Winner Takes It All
Artist: Carla Bruni
Album: French Touch
Date: 2017
Instrumental Power song

Bezszelestność we mgle…

21 November 2020
“… As the music dies
Something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all its sad goodbyes… “
Title: Rain, in Your Black Eyes
Artist: Ezio Bosso
Album: …and the Things That Remain
Date: 2016
Power song


6 November 2020
Title: Perdóname
Artist: Pablo Alborán con Carminho
Album: Pablo Alborán (Delux)
Date: 2011
Power song

Tango comunión

31 October 2020
Chorus Sacerdotum
By Baron Brooke Fulke Greville
from Mustapha
“O wearisome condition of humanity!
Born under one law, to another bound;
Vainly begot and yet forbidden vanity;
Created sick, commanded to be sound.
What meaneth nature by these diverse laws?
Passion and reason, self-division cause.
Is it the mark or majesty of power
To make offenses that it may forgive?
Nature herself doth her own self deflower
To hate those errors she herself doth give.
For how should man think that he may not do,
If nature did not fail and punish, too?
Tyrant to others, to herself unjust,
Only commands things difficult and hard,
Forbids us all things which it knows is lust,
Makes easy pains, unpossible reward.
If nature did not take delight in blood,
She would have made more easy ways to good.
We that are bound by vows and by promotion,
With pomp of holy sacrifice and rites,
To teach belief in good and still devotion,
To preach of heaven’s wonders and delights;
Yet when each of us in his own heart looks
He finds the God there, far unlike his books.”
Title: Take Me To Church
Artist: Hozier
Album: Hozier
Date: 2014
Power song

Magic is in the air

29 October 2020

“We can’t always choose music life plays for us but… WE CAN CHOOSE HOW TO DANCE TO IT”

Title: The Last of Her Kind
Artist: Peter Gundry
Album: The Elixir of Life
Date: 2014
Marika (Mariquita) Kaletowska
Somewhere in my wonderland

Milonguera, webdeveloper, traveller, blogger, dreamer and much more to discover...... por lo que sea...tango nomad...In dance I find my freedom...I discover it everyday and it's fascinating journey through life and within myself...Music always leads me exactly where I supposed to be.


Welcome to my journey of dance…music diary written by songs which are as random as me and my life is.


Buenos Aires, Argentina (2022)


Spain (2019)


“There’s a bluebird in my heart
That wants to get out but I’m too clever
I only let him out at night sometimes
When everybody sleeps

I say: “I know that you’re there
Don’t be so sad, ” that’s what I said
Then I put him back but he’s always singing
I don’t let him die and we sleep together
Like that with our secret pact…”

  • Charles Bukowski