Power song

Un segundo

28 August 2021

Madrid sang me a song. I love this city.

“Debería estar cansado de tus manos, de tu pelo
De tus rarezas
Pero quiero más
Yo quiero más

No puedo vivir sin ti
No hay manera…

Has colgado tu bandera, traspasado la frontera
Eres la reina
Siempre reinarás
Siempre reinarás

No puedo vivir sin ti
No hay manera…

Yo me quedo para siempre con mi reina y su bandera
Ya no hay fronteras
Me dejaré llevar
A ningún lugar”

Title: No puedo vivir sin ti
Artist: Los Ronaldos
Album: 4 canciones
Date: 2007

29 August 2021

Silver lining

23 March 2022

How much did they pay you?

15 March 2022

Stand up

18 December 2021

Marika (Mariquita) Kaletowska
Somewhere in my wonderland

Milonguera, webdeveloper, traveller, blogger, dreamer and much more to discover...... por lo que sea...tango nomad...In dance I find my freedom...I discover it everyday and it's fascinating journey through life and within myself...Music always leads me exactly where I supposed to be.


Welcome to my journey of dance…music diary written by songs which are as random as me and my life is.


Buenos Aires, Argentina (2022)


Spain (2019)


“There’s a bluebird in my heart
That wants to get out but I’m too clever
I only let him out at night sometimes
When everybody sleeps

I say: “I know that you’re there
Don’t be so sad, ” that’s what I said
Then I put him back but he’s always singing
I don’t let him die and we sleep together
Like that with our secret pact…”

  • Charles Bukowski